So, I finally did some digging and asked opinions on each of the six ballot proposals being placed on Michigan's ballot next Tuesday. There are so many ads on these proposals, my head was ready to spin, but I think I'm ready to declare where I stand:
Proposal 1: this proposal would allow the current financial manager law to continue. This means that communities in the state that have financial difficulties balancing their budgets would have an emergency financial manager come in, with complete control, and take over the city, attempting to get its fiscal house back in order. It also gives that person complete control over all things related to the city, including the ability to dissolve the city, or the government officials within. It could annul any contracts entered into by the city. I never liked the law as passed in 2010, and do not support it now. I AM VOTING NO ON PROPOSAL 1 - it's bad for the state of Michigan, and it's bad for democracy.
Proposal 2: this proposal would write into the constitution, the RIGHT to collective bargain of public employees. Currently federal law does allow them to do so, however, under the Emergency Financial Manager law, if it is passed, the EFM could come in and take away the contracts entered into. This ensures that employees have rights under the constitution of Michigan. Though there is much hoopla about writing such measures into our constitution, I do believe that this measure in fact is worthy of being written into it. Public teachers, firefighters, and police officers should have a right to bargain for their wages, their benefits, and the resources they get to use while on the job. Their pay should stay up with the pay of the private sector, and if we take away their right to bargain for it, we are silencing the very people who keep us safe, and who educate our children. I AM VOTING YES ON PROPOSAL 2 - it's good for the state of Michigan, and for democracy.
Proposal 3: this proposal would require that 25% of Michigan's energy come from renewable sources by 2025. According to a friend who works for DTE, they are on track to be at 15% by 2015. This is a very good track, but I also feel that if we don't make it a priority, then if the winds of change come roaring, it could be something put on the back-burner. Green energy is what will keep us moving tomorrow, and will eventually save us money, save the environment, and is a good investment in national security too. My thought process is, if not now, when? Oil and natural gas will not last forever, and if we have a chance to be one of the first in the nation to set such a high standard, let's do it. This bill will create incentives to employee Michigan workers and equipment, limits the energy increases by 1% per year, and will reduce our state's dependence on foreign oil. So with that said, I AM VOTING YES ON PROPOSAL 3 - I feel this will be a good step in the right direction for the state of Michigan. Not to mention that the majority of those opposing this bill are the ones in the energy sector (DTE Energy, Sheldon Addleson (bankroller of Mitt Romney), Michigan Oil and Gas, and the American Petroleum Institute), because they probably have something to lose on it.
Proposal 4: this proposal would allow for a more cost-effective system for seniors to find care, as opposed to expensive nursing homes. It's opposed by many large corporations, and supported by many who favor worker's rights, like the UAW, and the Michigan Education Association. I AM VOTING YES ON PROPOSAL 4.
Proposal 5: this proposal would make it a requirement for a 2/3 majority vote in the Michigan legislature for any tax rate increases, or would require it to go to a statewide election in November for tax rate increases. Look, if we think stale-mates are bad now, just wait until we require 2/3 vote on stuff. That's a super majority - and it's hard enough to get stuff done with a simple majority. So because of that I AM VOTING NO ON PROPOSAL 5.
Proposal 6: this proposal would require there to be a statewide vote on any further transportation projects such as bridges and tunnels. Look, Mr. Maroon, the man who owns the Ambassador Bridge is simply sour - he doesn't want a second bridge in Detroit because he profits majorly from the bridge he owns. He's been trying to shut down this projects for years. This bridge would bring jobs to metro Detroit, bring major commerce to metro Detroit, and is fully funded by the Windsor and Canadian government. I AM VOTING NO ON PROPOSAL 6 because it's time to build this bridge for Michigan.
Okay, that's where I stand. Thanks to everybody who helped me formulate my opinions on the matter. I did some research. The League of Woman Voters helped a bit, along with this website:
Anyway, happy election time! It's almost here!
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